2020 – Howard Springs NT – COVID-19 International Quarantine
2020 – Howard Springs NT – COVID-19 International Quarantine
With the commencement of repartition flights from China, India, United Kingdom, South Africa and North America, Howard Springs Quarantine facility was established by the NCCTRC and AUSMAT at the request of the Commonwealth, alongside key stakeholders including NT Health and the Northern Territory Government to assist in bringing Australians home and supporting COVID-19 response in the local community.
AUSMAT ran and operated the facility from October 2020- May 2021. At the height of operations, the teams were responsible for the care of up to 900 guests, maintaining more than 1,200 rooms and supplying around 2,400 meals per day. Epidemiologists and medical experts heralded the facility as the ‘gold standard’ for quarantine accommodation in the country which safely quarantined thousands of arrivals. In May 2021, AUSMAT concluded their role in operating the facility and management was proceeded by NT Health and renamed The Centre for National Resilience.