MIMMS Team Provider & HMIMMS Advanced (TBC)
2 September – 8:00 am – 4 September – 5:00 pm Australia/Gove
Registration for our combined MIMMS Team Provider and HMIMMS Advanced course will open soon. Details on dates and location are to be confirmed.
Number of participants: Min 10 / Max 24
Location: Gove (TBC)
MIMMS Team Provider:
The internationally recognised one-day MIMMS Team Provider course provides participants with a structured approach to respond to a scene of a major incident, with the focus on the role of the team member.
The course content is designed around seven key principles (CSCATTT) and comprises of online pre-course modular components, structured lectures, skill stations, workshops and novel interactive tabletop exercises. There is also a simulation triage exercise involving mass casualties.
HMIMMS Advanced:
Whilst traditional MIMMS teaches a structured approach to responding to a mass casualty at the incident site, Hospital MIMMS (HMIMMS) focusses on the delivery of care in the hospital environment and is aimed at the hospital staff responsible for planning, training and managing a major incident.
This 2-day course explores the priorities and responsibilities of hospital clinical and administrative responders facing a mass casualty incident. An all-hazard approach is adopted while special incidents such as burns, and CBRN are also discussed. The concept of the scalable hierarchy is introduced as a fundamental concept in the hospital-based response.
The course comprises of online pre-course modular components, lectures, workshops and novel interactive tabletop exercises, simulating the challenges facing responders during the phases of reception, definitive care and recovery.
Course objectives include:
- Understanding the organisations, structures and roles in managing major incidents and how they work together.
- Prepare for and implement a structured approach when responding to major incidents (CSCATTT) with a particular focus on the medical support components as a team member.
- Type and incidence of major incidents and the need for an effective response and management planning.
- Understand and able to implement and follow the seven principles encapsulated in the CSCATTT approach to successfully managing a major incident.
- Understand the need for major incident training, focusing on those aspects of the plan which do not occur in day-to-day practice, i.e., command, control, communication and mass casualty triage.
- Able to deliver the medical support needed for major incidents in the hospital setting using the concept of collapsible hierarchies.
Suitable Participants:
Open to all medical practitioners, nurses, paramedics, ambulance officers, defence health personnel, NT Fire Service and emergency first responders.
NCCTRC Education
08 8944 8361